Monday, September 10, 2012

Announcement: Parser name change 

Parsing Time will now be called Expresso

After lots of talk and deliberation we have finally found a name we are happy with: expresso. For the lats two years while we worked on this parser we called it SXML. That stood for something? XML and it was a placeholder as we couldn't come up with a name.
All the good XML based puns are gone already! 
We didn't want to have a boring corporate sounding name or a buzz word name. 
We are all techies so we struggled to do some right-brain activities. We put it off. We thought about the parsing. Finally, we came up with parsing time.  But not everyone liked it. It sounded a bit like a children's TV show and that's not really the audience we were going for (although our parser is so simple that children can use it :) 
So, we went with the Universal parser... the panacea for all your parsing worries. But then we found out that the name was taken by a company in Japan. 

So... we did some brainstorming. We all like coffee (good Melbourne style Batista standard coffee) and I am missing good coffee since I returned to live in Ireland (why can't you make a good cup of coffee, Ireland? Why?) so we naturally came to Expresso.

It's not spelt the same way as the coffee. It's there to reflect the speed of the parser. It's really fast, like super fast, so we have called it expresso.

So, if you here EXPRESSO parser!!! It's us. 

Say it together everyone .... 

EXPRESSO parser!!!

Check out our free developer version at

or find out more at

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